If there is one consistent factor we find in our clinic and many others like ours upon symptom questionnaire and diagnostic testing it is Blood Sugar Imbalance. It is all too pervasive in our society, regardless of what you are aware of as far as your current symptomology, without proper blood sugar stabilization you may […]
Our Children, Ourselves and Environmental Pollutants
Phillip and Alice Shabecoft have written an enlightening book “Poison for Profit”. His was a New York Times reporter for 32 years and has founded Greenwire, an online digest of environmental news. Some alarming statistics that his research revealed: -out of 73 million children: 21 million (1 out of 3) suffer from one or another […]
Are You Addicted To T.V.?
What’s Excessive? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics our children should be limited to no more than 1-2 hours a day! Researchers have found that when children watch excessive t.v. they are at risk of depression, obesity and attention span disorders. According to the study, children who reported “more television use had significantly greater […]