In his new book ” Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind” Henry Grayson Ph.D. has some useful information and tools to help us on our healing journey. It is a must read for those who aspire spiritual, mental and emotional growth, as well as optimum health of body. We know in B.E.S.T.- Bio Energetic […]
Do My Feelings Really Matter?
One of the greatest determinants of health or disease in a person is their attitude about themselves, others and life. When I say attitude I mean their subconscious beliefs. These are programmed between 0-7 yrs of age and may not be very accurate, yet become the baseline for evaluating ourselves, others and life without questioning […]
Do You Bottle Up Your Emotions???
How we perceive and respond to life’s challenges and opportunities to grow are derived from basic beliefs. These beliefs we are told are imprinted into our brains between 0-7 years of age. If an external experience or stimulus is congruent with the internal belief, there is no tension, resistance , fight or flight response. However […]
Understanding the Fight-Flight Reflex, “Where is the Tiger?”
Most of us have heard of the fight or flight reflex, a natural survival response of the sympathetic nervous system. It triggers internal changes in physiology in response to stimulus from external sources in our environment. If I see, smell, taste, touch, hear anything that could threaten my existence, I have been created to fight […]