A recent study by “C. Langenberg’ in Plus Medicine 2012, reveals that the waist measurement is a better indicator than body mass index for incidence of percentage of males and females developing type II diabetes. For men with an average waistline of 40 inches and above there was a 7% greater incidence of type II […]
Some Quick Facts and Studies on the Benefits of Exercise
Millani & Colleagues from Ochsner Clinic followed 522 cardiac patients who exercised for 12 weeks of aerobic cardiovascular exercise for 50 minutes 3 times a week. The results are as follows: -Physically fitter (cardiovascular fitness) -60% less likely to die in 6 years -lowered stress levels Green & Colleagues from The National Institute On Aging […]
Pass Up The Paxil and Go for a Walk
Researchers analyzing 718 depressed patients deemed Anti-Depressant drugs not much more effective than placebos in relieving non-severe symptoms. These findings combined with a myriad of side effects, may help mild to moderate cases of depression to reconsider Allopathic care. It is known that a proper diet (see previous blogs), exercise, breathing exercises and forgiveness homework […]
My Balanced Living Plan
1. Start each morning with affirmations, gratitude statements, song, “I AM statements. 2. Pay attention to your choices in all 6 essential areas (eat, drink, breathe, rest, exercise and think). 3. Set aside time for your walking/exercise. 4. Pay extra attention to everything you eat and drink. 5. If you smoke, take steps to stop, […]