I understand we are a nation all about convenience and that everyone has a full plate in all areas of their lives. We may want to consider how our habits (The 6 Essential Choices- what we: eat drink breathe and how we exercise rest & think) and beliefs, which are mostly formed by age 7 […]
Do You Have a Libido Imbalance?
Maybe its diet or stress or drugs! If you’ve noticed you have a reduced sex drive or an exaggerated sex drive, it may be time to take a look at your habits (6 essential choices) and how they affect your hormones- before things get worse! Lets look at under-active libido – for men and women. […]
We proudly offer Dr. Phillips’ CD’s discussing Addictions, Thoughts, Nutrition, Goal Setting and Chlorophyll & Fulvic Minerals and educational pamplets on a number of topics. http://desertdove.com/desertdoveonlinestores/ Much more coming soon! In Health & Service, Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA., BS., D.C.
Can Sleeping Better Help You Loose Weight & Heal Deeper?
In the last few years there have been a number of studies that implicate poor sleep in many disease states: type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and impaired immune function. What is interesting is that sleep is one of our 6 Essential Choices, which can be highly affected when we create SEMO (Sub-Conscious Emotional […]