The aging process described by Deshaun Hammer in the 1950’s are manifesting at earlier ages. Metabolic Syndrome – high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, cancer and heart disease have drastically increased in the last 20 years. Many observational studies support the theory that these ill effects are exerted by free radicals upon the cell […]
Can Sleeping Better Help You Loose Weight & Heal Deeper?
In the last few years there have been a number of studies that implicate poor sleep in many disease states: type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and impaired immune function. What is interesting is that sleep is one of our 6 Essential Choices, which can be highly affected when we create SEMO (Sub-Conscious Emotional […]
Chronic Stress: You May Want to Consider Thyroid & Adrenal Support
What is chronic stress? It is work, kids, spouse, the economy, the middle east? No, a stress response is a reaction by our subconscious mind of perceived threat. Seeing a tiger, a burning building, hearing a rattlesnake, these are all a real threat to survival. They are dealt with immediately or you perish. Chronic stress […]
The Top 14 Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss
1. Under Eating & Skipping Meals The adrenal hormone cortisol is stimulated which decreases thyroid function (sluggish metabolism) and increases abdominal weight gain. 2. Overeating Sugar in all forms Increases insulin which leads to weight gain. 3. Estrogenic Foods (non-organic) Estrogenic hormones in the meat decrease thyroid function and other glands which leads to sluggish […]