A study at The University of Pennsylvania, The University of Rochester and the VA Centers of Canandaigua was reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food June 2010. Adults with insomnia drank cherry juice once in the morning and once in the afternoon over a two week period. A placebo group drank a comparable drink without […]
Adrenal Exhaustion: The Single Greatest Link To A Dis-Ease (lack of ease in life)
The adrenal glands are our fight flight glands; the stress glands. They are closely associated with the adductor muscle group; gastronemius, gracillus, soleus and satorius muscles. So any pain, dysfunction, mechanical injury to the lower back and extremities needs to be looked at as possible link to adrenal over reaching. The Triple Heater meridian (thyroid) […]
Are You Wheat-Gluten Intolerant?
Take this test • I have any form of inflammatory intestinal symptom or disease • Blood sugar imbalances (hypo/hyper glycemia) • Intestinal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, i.e. IBS • Heartburn, esophagitis • Behavioral outbursts with children • Increased/worsened schizophrenia in susceptible individuals • Auto immune disorders: rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus, dermatitis herpetiformis, pancreatitis […]
Heartburn? Lets Look At the Cause.
You can see from advertising in print media and television that indigestion is a major symptom in American culture. The truth is over half of Americans suffer from low stomach acid as opposed to excess stomach acid. Insufficient hydrochloric acid can produce the same symptomology as excess hydrochloric acid. Indigestion, bloating, reflux and even sub […]
3 Phases of Care
In our clinic we focus on what is referred to as Three Distinct Phases of Healing. Similar to an iceberg, these phases are: Acute (top of iceberg), Corrective (middle of iceberg) and Wellness Care (bottom of iceberg). The following is a brief explanation of each. Acute Care In acute care, the top of the iceberg, […]
The Top 14 Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss
1. Under Eating & Skipping Meals The adrenal hormone cortisol is stimulated which decreases thyroid function (sluggish metabolism) and increases abdominal weight gain. 2. Overeating Sugar in all forms Increases insulin which leads to weight gain. 3. Estrogenic Foods (non-organic) Estrogenic hormones in the meat decrease thyroid function and other glands which leads to sluggish […]
Your Diet and Your Skin !
As much as you and I might like to, we’re not going to stop our chronological clock. However we can actually reverse our biologic clock through our health choices. Nowhere in our bodies does aging show up quicker and cumulatively than in the largest organ of the body, your skin. It should also be noted […]
Do You Want To End Obesity In Your Life Or Your Childrens?
This is a fundamental question. What I have learned in 30 years of practice is that until a person has come to a place of committed willingness, very little will be accomplished toward healing and wellness. There is a pervasive belief in out society that happiness is external to myself. I am therefore always in […]
Are You B-Vitamin Deficient ?
The B- vitamins are a complex group of specific nutrients that are needed as a combination for us to be healthy. Certain groups within the population are extremely vulnerable to B-vitamin deficiencies. 1. People over 65 loose B12, as their digestion decreases with age (think Alka Pan, Super Digest and Food Combining). 2. Vegetarians can […]
Will You Take A Stand For Childhood Health?
According to the 2005 report published by The Institute of Medicine: “Over the past 3 decades the rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2 to 5 years and adolescents 12 to 19 years. And it has more than tripled for 6 to 11 year old’s.” Heart disease, stroke, type […]
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